Thursday 3 November 2011

Charlie Chaplin - 'The Cure'

Now here is a movie you don't want to miss!

'The Cure' is one of Chaplin's finest shorts, it was made in 1919 and runs for about 25 minutes.

It is a gem of a movie with guaranteed laughs, even cynics will find the corners of their mouths involuntarily turning up. The gags are clever to say the least and superbly timed, watch the revolving door scene and you'll see exactly what I mean.

Chaplin was known for doing endless takes of one scene, largely because nothing was ever planned. First he would come up with an idea, 'Charlie at the Seaside' for example or something similarly basic. He had a lavish set built at huge expense and then improvised with his cast for days or weeks on end. The cameras were constantly running, and the amount of film used was ridiculous. A story line would emerge and out of the cutting room would come another Chaplin blockbuster.

It's been very exciting to work on such a masterpiece, and I hope that the music I have written does it justice.To get to grips with this movie I did much the same as Chaplin, I improvised for days on end while until something musically workable appeared, but without the lavish set. The movie is well structured, and with plenty of opportunities to screw around with both the music and the effects, I've had a really good time putting it all together.

Anyhow, like I said you don't want to miss this movie, so get off yer arse and come and see me play the bloomin' thing!

Cheers everybody,


PS I'm showing Charlie Chaplin's 'The Cure' at the Komedia Brighton Sat 19 Nov 6.00pm and Sat 10 Dec at 6.00pm

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